Halswell Drama Group

Join Our Friendly Drama Group

Fun Guaranteed!

We are a friendly bunch from all walks of life who enjoy putting on a new show every year. There are many fun roles including, acting, singing, dancing, backstage crew, costume design, set design etc. 


Membership helps support the ongoing presence of Halswell Drama Group in our community, providing a broad range of entertainment that appeals to a diverse cross-section of people.


If you are curious or interested and would like to find out more, please contact us. Visitors are welcome.  


Membership Benefits

  • Opportunity to be a part of our annual production, as a member of the cast or a backstage crew member
  • Preferential booking and discount on show tickets
  • Information about future shows, auditions, special offers, and invitations to Halswell Drama Group (HDG) social events
  • Access to Musical Theatre NZ events, workshops, conferences and newsletters
  • Discounted Wardrobe Hire

Annual Fees

Single:   $20

Double:  $30 (2 from the same family)

Family:  $40 (3+ from the same family)

Start your membership now membership is valid until 31st March next year.


We prefer online payment into our bank account, thank you.


Bank Account Details

Account Name: Halswell Drama Group Inc

Bank: Westpac

Branch: Halswell

Account Number: 03 1584 0006258 00


IMPORTANT: Include the following information in the bank form when paying online:

Reference: SURNAME

Code: membership

Membership Application Form

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